Lynn had a BKR Conference in Quebec City and since this is where he served his mission we were so excited for this trip. So Lynn decided to spend two weeks and go to some of the places where he served. I think I fell in love with Quebec City, we stayed in the old part and it was very European like and the food was amazing. We especially fell in love with the bread, I don't think I have ever seen Lynn eat more bread than me, we just couldn't get enough, then there were all the French pastries, its a good thing we did alot of walking. The part I loved most was watching Lynn relive his mission, and finding old places where he use to live and visiting the little bagel store where he and his companion use to stop and get a bakers dozen and have them eaten by the time he got home. I loved listening to him speak french again and trying to understand it. We had so many wonderful experiences but the best was just being with each other for two weeks. I have a bunch of pictures so this could be a long post. Enjoy!

Shops in Old Town Quebec City

Having dinner at Le Lapin Saute

this was such a cute place to eat, I just thought the rabbits were cut decoration, I didn't know they were part of the menu.

In the background you can see the Funicular Railway, its a way for traveling from Upper Town to Lower Town without having to tackle the steep stairs.

View of our Hotel

pictures of some old cannons

Shopping in Quebec City

View of the Shops

View of the St. Lawrence River

View of the wall around the city

Water Fall outside the Parliament

this house is one of the oldest homes around, we ate there cause they had Lynn's favorite item on the menu, Tourtiere Quebecoise (Quebec Meat Pie) it was really good.

this is the little apartment that Lynn lived in on his mission in Chicoutimi.

trail to Croix de Ste-Anne (the cross of St. Anne) in Chicoutimi

Lynn would come here to Croix de Ste-Anne on his p-days.

this is at the Croix de Ste-Anne (the cross of St. Anne)

this is the boat we went in to go whale watching, spent 3 hours out there, I thought I was going to freeze.

we tried to get a good picture of the whales but they were to fast.

this was a water fall we saw while out whale watching.

Pretty view from our Hotel window.

Our Hotel Chateau Frontenac

This was a very windy day

Lynn outside our hotel.

This is an old bobsled displayed in the Hotel.

I spotted this church on our drive, thought it was pretty.

Montmorency Falls, it plunges earthward 84 metres, 30 metres more than the Niagara Falls.

These were beds at the Sugar Shack where they make Maple Syrup.

Lynn at our dinner at the Sugar Shack.

Dinner at the La Cabane a Sucre Millette Inc (Sugar Shack) this is where they tap the maple trees, hang there buckets so they can make their maple syrup. These fiddlers entertained us during dinner.

This was the meal we ate at the Sugar Shack, the most interesting food Ive ever eaten.

This was at the Sugar Shack, they would poor the maple syrup over ice and you roll it up with a stick and you have taffy on a stick.

loved this mural on the building

Hotel Chateau Frontenac where we stayed, it is the most famous place in Quebec City.

taking a walk down on the pier.

These are part of the 316 stairs that we climbed.

Eating at one of the many wonderful restaurants.

Restaurant we ate at, soo good.

This is Santol, the hotel dog, he greets guests at the door and you can even borrow him and take him for a walk. I loved him.

This is at the train station.

Clock in the train station, we took the train from Quebec to Montreal.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Montreal (Celine Dion was married here)

Inside Notre Dame Cathedral, it was pretty amazing, very beautiful.

This was at the top of a hill where another Cathedral was.

This is a manger scene made out of chocolate, yummm

This is a Cathedral made out of candy.

This was the metro, I feared for my life getting on and off this thing.

Metro Station

Lynn loving that they have a Temple now

It was a crazy rainy day.

LDS Temple in Montreal

Beautiful flowers on the Temple grounds.

This is one of the places Lynn lived while on his mission.

We went to the Mission Home, the traffic was so bad that by the time we got there it was closed :(

This was the Mission President's home when Lynn served here 30 years ago, he knocked on the door hoping that they still were there but nobody was home.

A display of French pastries

This bread was my enemy, it was the best Ive ever had, major carb withdrawals when we left.

We hiked to the top of Mt. Royal, Montreal City in the background.

Mt. Royal

Looking over Montreal at Mt. Royal.

Cross at Mt. Royal.

Old Town Montreal

Dinner our last night in Montreal