One thing I look forward to when I go home to Utah is getting together with my family, living in another state I don't get to see them very often. With my parents gone and two of my sisters I feel it so important that we keep close to each other, I know that it is what makes them happy and is important to them. My dad would always tell us sisters, "make sure everyone stays close when we are gone." Thank you Bonnie for always arranging our get togethers when I come, this year we had dinner at the park, and had some good visits and got caught up with whats going on in our families. I love you all Haacke Family.

Sisters (Me, Carol, Bonnie)

Haacke Family

(Sisters) My Nieces Audra and Ashlee

Cousins (they are so beautiful)
Ashlee, Stefan, Keith, Sara, Kell, Audra, Amber Mike Sean (I love them)
Ashlee, Stef, Sara, Keith, Kirk, Audra, Kell, Amber, Tracy, Mike, Sean
JaKelle and Kate
Brek he is such a handsome little guy!
Tracy, Mike, Sean, Ashlee, Carol
Great grand-kids

My Niece Ashlee

My Nephew Keith, his wife Sara and their two kids Kate and Megan