I have to say we have the best youth around, I have such a love for these young women and am so lucky to be one of their leaders. The sad part of camp was that my sweet Jakelle wasn't able to be there with me, she was so sick and not moving very well. I really missed her and so did the girls, all they could say was its not the same without Jelly.
Here is my Top Ten list of best things about camp...
10. Watching the girls give their secret sister gifts without them seeing.
9. Sleeping in a tent with awesome leaders.
8. Seeing the girls bond with each other and helping each other with the chores.
7. Watching their cooking skills (they can make a mean meal).
6. Seeing how much junk food these girls can down.
5. The look on Bro. Postert's face when we would all warm water and wash our faces
before bed. In fact, seeing Bro. Postert's face the whole time we were there.
Yes, we are different from the Scouts.
4. Fidning a manican head named Kurt in my sleeping bag. (love ya Lexi & Tori)
3. Watching the girls practice their skit, laughing and smiling the whole time.
2. Sitting and talking to the girls about things they are involved in at school, etc.
1. Listening to the sweet testimonies of these young women and how much they love
the gospel, their parents and their Heavenly Father. They have truly strengthened my testimony as well.

Happy Hippies

Bull ride, I don't even know how to explain the face!

You cute girls!!

Peace! I love our Virtuous Van

Amazing leaders!! Amanda, MaryLou, Kristel

Lindsey was our rock climbing champ

Loving sisters, Mary & Lindsey

We couldn't have done it without our priesthood, thanks Dustin and Scott.

I love this girl, Sara was our only grad., we will miss her.

Skit night, they did a awesome job and danced to the song California Dreamn.

They got very daring and did some stunts, go Rachel

I got bit by something during the night, it hurt so bad.
How fun the bull-ride pictures are fabulous!! I sure hope that that bug or whatever bit you is dead cause dang!! xoxox
Looks like you had a great time. Camp is the BEST!! I can't wait. We go July 7th - 10th. We have a new camp director and she is awsome. Sorry Jakelle wasn't able to be with you. Can't wait to see you both.
Fun fun! Kelsee goes July 7th through the 10th. This is her first time and she is so excited. She has been counting down the days. How am I going to survive not talking to her for three whole days. That mean old bug. What did you do to it to make it bite you. Hehe
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