Monday, May 31, 2010

Last Day at Brimhall Jr. High

JaKelle was our last one to finish up at Brimhall Jr. High, there were no tears shed over this one. She is very ready to leave it behind and move on to Mesa High. Kell has a lot of great friends, some she has met through being on Cheer this year, and some new she has met through her classes. Not all will be going to Mesa, some are attending different high schools so she had to get a lot of pictures. I am very proud of all her accomplishment this last year at Brimhall, she is growing up way to fast but it will be fun to see her Cheer and Dance as a Mesa High Jackrabbit. Good Luck Kell with your new adventures in High School.


Karin S said...

She is so dang cute! I can't believe she is going to be in High School! She is beautiful! I am excited to see you guys in next month! Love ya!

Bonnie and Jim said...

Oh how time fly's!! She is so beautiful!! I can't believe she will be in high school. It's seems like yesterday that tiny little girl was born. She seems to get more beautiful inside and out every year. Your family is growing up Jana. Why can't we stay young as they grow?