Thursday, July 22, 2010

Plantar Fascitis?? OUCH

Yes, this is what I have, started in Utah, after the reunion hike I went on, I remember when Josh had this in hight school and if I knew it hurt this bad I think I would of had more sympathy for him, or maybe Im just a big baby. I have been icing, stretching, rubbing, wearing my orthotic inserts in my shoes the foot doctor made for me, not going to the gym and I think it is finally feeling better. This is sure not what I need just before I leave for the Dominican Republic!!

Inflammation (irritation and swelling with presence of extra immune cells) of the plantar fascia can cause heel pain and make walking difficult. Some risk factors for development of this problem include foot arch problems (both flat foot and high arches), obesity, sudden weight gain, running and a tight Achilles tendon.


Karin S said...

You have to get better before you go to the D.R. Sorry it has not gotten any better. You looked like you were so miserable when you were here! Good luck! Hope it gets better fast! Love Ya!

Amanda Stephan said...

No fun! I hope your foot feels better soon! Let us know when the homecoming is, we would love to come! Have fun in the DR!

Bonnie and Jim said...

Sure glad it's feeling a little better. When your feet hurt you just can't function.
Looking forward to seeing Jesse!!

Sara Hadlow said...

no fun. my mom is dealing with something similar and has been for 6+ months! she's actually having surgery on her foot the end of august to finally get rid of the problem. she's tried everything. cortizone shots, accupuncture, ultrasound shock therapy, along with the daily icing and ibuprofen. good luck, hopefully it will clear up for you.