Has anyone ever heard of this??? DELAYED BIRTH CERTIFICATE? I haven't. Lynn and I applied for our passports so we could go pick up Josh in Costa Rica and Lynn's was suspended because they said he had a (again) DELAYED BIRTH CERTIFICATE. What is that? "I asked" and this is what they told me.....
A delayed certificate is a certificate filed for a birth that was not recorded within the first year of birth. Records not filed in a timely manner can be for a number of reasons and in the majority of cases, is dependent on the date of birth with the need for filing a delayed certificate more prominent for the earlier years when birth records were not established in a timely manner as they are today.
WHAT????? was my response.
Well, you need to come up with more information to prove evidence of Lynn's U.S. Citizenship.
WHAT????? was my response again!.
Early public records must be submitted together with a birth record. Early public records should show your name, date of birth, place of birth, and preferably be created within the first five years of your life. Examples of early public records are:
Baptismal certificate
Hospital birth certificate
Census record
Early school record
Family bible record
Doctor's record of post-natal care
I need all this information for the first 5 years of his life? So I got on the phone with his Mom and Sister and they have been helping me gather up this information, they sent a baptismal certificate, but us of the LDS faith do not get baptized until 8 years of age (going to send it anyway). I got his shot record, a baby blessing certificate which is considered a Biblical Record, and a International Driving Permit with his missionary picture, he used this to get back and forth from Canada over to the United States and pick up the mail (some mail strike was going on at that time). I will have all this stuff on Monday morning and hopefully this will be enough to prove that Lynn is a U.S. Citizen, WOW if they can't prove that he isn't a citizen why have we been paying U.S. taxes all these years???
Lesson for you young mothers, make sure you file for your child's birth certificate the first year of their life.
Wish us Luck! and thank you Mom, Dad, and Karin for helping us get this info. Love you!