Saturday, February 28, 2009

Welcome Home Josh!

He's home safe, looks great and still trying to adjust. I really don't know if I can even express in words the experience of going and picking up Josh in Costa Rica, some of the them are so special and will always have a place in my heart. I have a lot of pictures to share of our great trip so WARNING, this post could be very long.

We arrived in Costa Rica on a Sunday night but could not see Josh until Tuesday morning, the Mission President had a big dinner for all the Elders going home on Monday night. So Lynn and I thought we would hang around the hotel and stay off the streets, there are no rules when it comes to driving and your always dodging the motor cycles that weave in and out in front of you, I'm just glad that I wasn't driving. We were just heading down to explore and a knock came at the door and she said housekeeping, Lynn opened the door, around the corner came Josh and another Elder.  Yup I screamed and threw my arms around him and yup cried.

He was so nervous to see us that he was shaking, we had a good visit for 20 minutes and then they left, that was a Good Day. Tuesday Josh drove us around his area there in San Jose and all I can say is its a good thing Mom's don't know everything!

This is a place they lived in, upper level.

We were invited to go eat dinner with a family Josh baptized, she is a single mother of 7 and her two older daughters live there, one has a two year old and one is going to school to be a nurse. They are a beautiful family and were so kind to us, they didn't speak any English but Josh did a good job interpreting for them. She made us this really good soup called Olla de carne, its like a vegetable soup and was delicious. They have a great love for Josh and is was very hard for them to say goodbye.

I was very attached to this sweet girl, she is Jakelle's age 14.

We drove to an area called Quepos, this was Josh's favorite area, mostly because its so beautiful and its by the ocean. I have to say the view from our Hotel was probably the most beautiful I have ever seen.

We stopped and looked at the Crocks on the side of the road.

This is a view from our room.

They had the most beautiful sunsets!

O lala!!

The monkeys would come beg for food around the pool area.

On Sunday we went to church, they are in the process of making it a branch, very exciting since Josh and his companion are the ones that opened this area. We met a couple who Josh taught and they were so excited to see him, she started to cry. I didn't understand anything they said but I felt the love they have for the gospel and the love they have for Josh being there and so grateful to him for all he did, it was a very spiritual meeting. Josh was transferred right before he was baptized but now almost a year later she is RS Pres. and he is Elders Pres. and are being sealed in the temple this summer.

Their Son, he is eleven.

This is the couple that was so excited to see Josh, they invited us over for dinner that night. She made us a very popular meal that they have a lot in Costa Rica called "Arroz" (Chicken and Rice) but she used tuna, very good. She fried up some Patacones which are plantains and a very good salad. She shared a very special story with me while Josh translated, and ended with her testimony, your gonna have to ask me about that one, to special to write, Josh will probably talk about them when he reports in church.

One of the things we did was a Zip Line out in the middle of the Jungle, this was one of my fears being afraid of heights but I did it and loved it.

Getting Ready

Took my hands off the rope for about 1/2 second

Show Off!

Scarry bridge we had to walk across

We had to swing on a rope to another platform, WHAT???

You are kidding right?

OK, I can do this

Nope I don't think I can do this!!!

I really don't think I can do this LYNN!!!!

My guide was getting inpatient so....

Yup, he pushed me

I think I swallowed a few bugs

OK your safe now smile for the camera

Did a little Repelling too, that wasn't to bad


The Bowles said...

love all the pictures! costa rica is beyond gorgeous! cool to see what the houses and towns are like inside. and i can't believe you got on that zip dare devil you. so fun to see josh at church. you were sonless for a while!

Forbes Clan of Six said...

What an amazing trips and beautiful pictures. Just seeing you and Josh hug made me cry. I am so glad he is home and had such an amazing experience. I love the picture of you roping across to the other tree, what a crack up. I am so glad you were able to experience this trip with Josh. What special times. Give him hugs and kisses for me. Love you guys. By the way i loved his makeover room. What did he think?

pirate ride said...

Oh my gosh what a fabulous trip! I am trying to type through my tiers! I love this post I could feel the spirt through your words! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing trip in such detail! Oh how I wish I could be there for his homecoming!! Love all the pics but my favorite is the platform ones!! You are so stinking cute and your kids are so lucky to have such a fantasic mom!! I love you xoxox

Bonnie and Jim said...

What a fantastic trip!! That's quite an opportunity to be able to visit with those families and feel of the love they had for Josh. I can't wait to hear more. You got some great shots - you skinny thing you. I loved talking to Josh the other day. He sounds great! Love you all and see you soon.

Jared Westergard said...

I love all your pictures! I love the pictures and captions for the pictures on the rope swing. I am glad you guys had fun.

Kristel & Ken said...

Wow Jana! You are so brave on that zip line! :) Looks like so much fun! And all the pics are so beautiful! So neat for you guys to have him home!