Monday, April 20, 2009

There is a little Hawaiian restaurant that we like to go to called Moki's, the food is so good, every time I'm there it makes me want to go back to Hawaii. We were eating there the other day and at the table there was this list of Da Pidgin Ten Commandments Hawaiian Style. I thought they were cute and would share them with you all. I like #5

Da Pidgin Ten Commandments Hawaiian Style

1. God is numbah one.
2. No make da kine statues.
3. Watch yo' mout. No swea wit God's name.
4. On Sunday, no can do notting.
5. Leesen to yo' muddah and yo' faddah.
6. No murder nobody.
7. No go moemoe with yo' bradah's wahine.
8. No cockaroach notting.
9. No lie, brah!
10. No be jealous of one noddah person's stuffs.

Oh, an one noddah ting... no talk stink about nobody, bumbye you get bachi.

Hawaiian Style Translation:

moemoe (mo y mo y) - sleep
bradah - brother
wahine (wa hee nay) - girl or woman
cockaroach - steal
bumbye - sometime in the future
bachi (bah chee) - it will come back to you!


Jared Westergard said...

haha that is so Hawaii. In Hawaii that is a slang language it's called pidgin and they really talk like that. It is really funny!

pirate ride said...

Ok so this is real Da kine funny! I read it to Terry and we both had a good laugh!! I know all this pidgin and hear it almost everyday! I new what everything already ment without having to look at that the bottum! I love numbah 6 & 7 ! Bumbye I will get to go to Hawaii! Any way loved this post! Love ya my wahine!! LOL

Bonnie and Jim said...

How cute!

Unknown said...

Hey there!
Visit Pohai & Friends for a full range of souvenirs imprinted with their copyrighted version of the 10 commandments (remember #8!!)