Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cheer Camp 2009

JaKelle started Cheer Camp last week, they go two days a week for 2 hours the next 5 weeks. Im not really thrilled the way they have choosen to do it this year, I just assume they took them for 1 week and had them work hard all day, I think they bond better and its more productive, but we will see how this goes. Kell is a flyer and so Im counting on you cute girls down below to to catch her and I will probably have my eyes shut most of the time. Good luck Kell!!

1 comment:

pirate ride said...

Awww she looks so stinkin cute!! Kylee was a stunter so I didn't have to worry so much!! Kelle will have so much fun and I know that thoses girls underneath her will always catch her!!! lova ya!!